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Bathtub – Magic Stone

The freestanding stone bathtub was once the exclusive possession of the Roman aristocrats and the noble mark in the French royal room. They have an elegant shape and are perfectly rendered with the unique delicate temperament of stones. In the environment with rich light and shadow, the bath is particularly good at creating a warm and mysterious atmosphere, bringing you enter the feeling and emotion. A long-lasting companionship, like an old friend that developed feeling.

Nowadays we are all creators of life, enriching our life and striving to improve our quality of life. Do you feel very tired when you com home after a busy day? Our body also needs to be recharged. Having a bathtub at home will be much more convenient.


You can set a bathtub in your bedroom and read or watch TV in it.

This is a concise shape that everyone likes. It is round, but at the same time, considering the occupied area and space-saving.


If the space is spacious enough, this stable and clumpy bath is surely more comfortable. And its curve is more nice.


This kind of bathtub like a boat shape only satisfies people to lie in the bathtub like lying on a sleeping bag. Of course, it does not let you lie flat. But for most people, this is enough.


We can promise that the bathtub material that we used is 100% pure natural stone instead of the artificial stone.  

More  processing videos and  bathtubs, please follow our  YouTube and Facebook Channel by both search " Magic Stone Garden".


Written by Michelle

Post time: Mar-28-2022

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