Kate and Gerry showered, changed, shared a bottle of wine together and headed to a tapas restaurant about 50 yards away from their apartment at 8:35 p.m. The rest of their friends arrived shortly thereafter.
Photos by DON BARTLING Caught on camera! Captured this red coated bird seed bandit in the bird suet feeder during the cold winter temperatures.
APL AVENUE Morgan Oates, designed by Anna Pawlowska – Travel inspiration: Moroccan and Mediterranean Designed as an after-work escape, this garden is the place to relax and enjoy spending time together. There are strong Moroccan and Mediterranean influences and the planting includes a wild flower meadow, surrounded by a water feature and ornamental grasses and evergreen climbers along the fencing. An ornamental cherry tree features in the corner of the garden.
Lobbyists from major gaming companies have swarmed the capitol in recent weeks to meet with lawmakers about their outrageous proposal to expand casino licenses to New York City as a way to generate millions of dollars in revenue for the state.
In the letter to Theodore and Randall Husinga, president and vice president, respectively, of Sunnyside Orchard, the Food and Drug Administration referenced an inspection from Sept. 27 to Oct. 12, 2018, during which inspectors documented “serious violations” of the Juice Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulation.
Beyond the purchase price, water fountains are low cost, typically generating about $5 per month in power consumption. During the winter, fountains can be drained and covered to prevent possible cracking from freezing temperatures.
Edgardo Defortuna, president and CEO of Fortune International Group, agreed. “In Fort Lauderdale we are seeing 85% U.S. and 15% foreign buyers.”
The strongest wind gust measured during the storm was 104 mph at San Augustin Pass, New Mexico, but it also broke a non-thunderstorm wind gust record at Denver International Airport with a 80 mph reading. The old record of 63 mph was recorded on 4 Apr 2009.
The four non-flying Eastern Fox Squirrels regularly scampered up the feeder poles to the seeds, dropped down from the branches or took positions below the feeders. The birds gave the fluffy tailed mammals wide berth. Squirrel breakfast was at 9 am, served at two feeders. Lunch might be about noon and the rodents preferred an early supper, usually 3-4 pm. They then retreated to their comfy dens of moss and leaves constructed in branches of nearby trees. The sunflower seeds in the bird feeders supplemented the usual squirrel diet of acorns, pecans and Bois d’Arc (Osage orange) seeds. The little guys eat 1.5 pounds of nuts and seeds each week within their 20 acre range…except my squirrels. I think their range is closer to 2 acres with bird feeders, fields, trees and a pond. A few bold cardinals and doves were not intimidated by the squirrels. One morning I counted twenty Mourning doves milling around under the back feeder while the squirrels hung out on branches overhead and watched the bobbing heads.
To learn more about Seagate Development Group visit seagatedevelopmentgroup.com. To take advantage of opportunities in Isola Bella, visit the Talis Park Garden House sales and information center at 16980 Livingston Road in North Naples.
Copyright 2019 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. By the afternoon, many of us will warm above freezing which returns the chance for rain.
I’m won’t claim deep expertise on these things…my experience in the Telecom industry is from 20 years back. Unless the reverse engineered circuit is missing a bunch of stuff, the line side interface to the POTS line is not up to spec. It’s missing all sorts of protection, there is nothing preventing a voltage transient from getting all the way to the DTMF decoder chip while the line is seized for example… From the picture, the spacing on the traces between the line side and the rest also look pretty close, you’d have to measure to make sure the distance was large enough to prevent line side faults from getting to the electronics. So this thing might work well today, someday it will probably suffer damage, and leave you without being able to operate the relay to activate whatever you have this connected to.
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